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J2EE and Web Cache
Portal and Wireless
Business Intelligence and Forms
    Demonstrations for the Business Intelligence and Forms Install Type
  With this install type, you can run the demonstrations listed in the table below, plus the demonstrations for the "J2EE and Web Cache" and the "Portal and Wireless" install types.

Component Demo Description
Oracle Application Server Discoverer Discoverer Demonstrates Discoverer Viewer and Discoverer Plus.
Oracle Application Server Reports Services Reports Services Demonstrates dynamic report output to both paper and the Web.
Oracle Application Server Forms Services Forms Services Demonstrates a test form to verify your install. You will be prompted to install JInitiator on the client as part of this demo.
Forms Services Links to the Forms page on OTN for additional demos and sample code.


  • ORACLE_HOME refers to the top-level installation directory for Oracle Application Server.
  • host refers to the machine where Oracle HTTP Server is running.
  • port refers to the port number on which Oracle HTTP Server is listening for incoming requests.


   Additional Demonstrations
Code Samples



You can find additional demonstrations and code samples for Oracle Application Server on Oracle Technology Network at


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